Christmas Answer 2023

This year, as last year, our Christmas Quizzes are raising money for the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust, a mental health charity for young people. Many thanks for all your donations.

Our Three Winners

Congratulations to our three winners:

  • Turquoise Prize was one by Roselle Beard
  • Yellow Prize Quiz was won by Bob Lightman
  • Burgundy Prize Quiz was won by Nicholas Gardener

All of whom win a free course of lessons at our Parsons Green Club.

Free to watch

Our Prize Quiz Videos

Video No. for the social player

2023 Christmas Turquoise Answer

Video No. for Strong & Fives

2023 Christmas Yellow Answer

Video No. for the more experienced player

2023 Christmas Burgundy Answer

Charlie Waller Trust

"Mental health problems in children and young people are rising at a concerning rate. Many parents are desperate to help but often unable to access overstretched services. The Charlie Waller Trust is expanding its work with parents and carers, giving them the skills to help their children recover. One parent recently said of a Charlie Waller parents’ workshop: “It has literally been life changing – almost the first beacon of hope in an otherwise very bleak landscape.“