Christmas Quiz 2023

This year, as last year, our Christmas Quizzes are raising money for the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust, a mental health charity for young people. We are asking for voluntary donation, with a suggested minimum donation of £10. See below for how to donate.

Our Three Prize Quizzes

Entrants who answer the correct South hand on both questions, (without needing to get right what the other two South hands would have done differently) will win a month free BridgeCast subscription. If you are already a subscriber (so unable to claim the free month for yourself), you will be able to gift your prize to a friend.

The main prize on each of the three quizzes is a course of lessons (or weekend) at The Andrew Robson Bridge Club in Parsons Green worth £185. You'll have to get the two South hands right, and also what the other two hands would do differently. All correct entries will be put in the (metaphorical) hat, and a winner will be drawn.

Good luck - Happy Christmas - answers on 31st December - and thank you so much for your kind donations to the amazing charity.

To enter:

  • Turquoise Prize Quiz please click here (aimed at the social player).
  • Yellow Prize Quiz please click here (aimed at Strong NT & Five Card Majors).
  • Burgundy Prize Quiz please click here (aimed at the more experienced player).

Free to watch

Our Prize Quiz Videos

Video No. for the social player

2023 Christmas Turquoise Quiz

Video No. for Strong & Fives

2023 Christmas Yellow Quiz

Video No. for the more experienced player

2023 Christmas Burgundy Quiz

Charlie Waller Trust

"Mental health problems in children and young people are rising at a concerning rate. Many parents are desperate to help but often unable to access overstretched services. The Charlie Waller Trust is expanding its work with parents and carers, giving them the skills to help their children recover. One parent recently said of a Charlie Waller parents’ workshop: “It has literally been life changing – almost the first beacon of hope in an otherwise very bleak landscape.“